Men's skin check refusal reasons and changing mindset

Men’s skin check refusal reasons and changing mindset

The number of skin cancer cases has tripled since the 1970s. Men are nearly twice as likely to succumb to it than women. One survey reported that 31% of men didn’t use sunscreen, while 15% of women did.

Skin Cancer Affects significantly more men than women according to NHS statistics and is almost twice as likely for them to die. They are also the ones who avoid it due to men’s skin check refusal reasons. As per experts Sundoctors the skin cancer mortality rate for men has tripled since the 1970s. Men also have higher rates of non-melanoma, which can be more serious but still need treatment.

Why are men refusing to have their skin checked?

Many women will recognize men and boys in their lives who refuse to use sun lotion. They end up looking as embarrassed as they did from the dangerous burns later on.

The likelihood for men to skip protection was twice that of women, with 31% saying they don’t use sunscreen and 15% of women.

47% of women are at high risk of using ineffective sunscreen. This number rises to 58% for men.

All of this is dependent on gender norms. Men are not subject to the same beauty standards as women.

Things are changing, but

Twenty years ago, men’s skincare was dismissed as a whole. Even moisturizing was considered effeminate. This is now a standard practice for men younger than 40 years old, and the market is rapidly developing to match the female market. Check out skincare ingredient checker.

It is possible to encourage more men to use sun protection. This will reduce the likelihood of them getting a sunburn or developing uneven skin tone.

Men are more conscious about their skin thanks to the rise of Instagram, TikTok, and Zoom.

SPF protection is essential for every day, no matter what season or whereabouts.

What should men do?

Men should choose an SPF moisturiser that they love and use every morning before going outside.

It should be at least SPF 30 with a high UVA rating. Sunscreen is recommended for all exposed skin when you are outside for extended periods.

Skin cancer is more likely to touch skin where the sun can reach . This includes the scalp, ears, nose, neck, chest and arms. The legs are another area that is most at risk. Don’t forget the lips! You should also apply sunscreen to your head if you are bald or have short hair.


No disease is gender specific, specially skin cancer. So whether you are a man or a woman doesn’t matter, you should get your skin checked at regular intervals. Being a man does not make you immune to cancer or any other disease for that matter. So for your own health check it is important that you get a skin check done if you suspect anything out of place on your skin. It is also a good practice to get a routine skin check done by an experienced skin care specialist.

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